
A Checklist for Entering Child Custody Negotiations

Divorce is never an easy process, and if there are kids involved, it can make the process infinitely more difficult. Child custody negotiations are necessary to make sure you are able to successfully co-parent with your ex-spouse. There are some things you can do prior to the negotiations to ensure that you are doing your part to bring patience, compassion, and good communication to the negotiating table.

Be Clear and Forthright with Concerns and What You Want

Before the custody mediation prepare a list of your top concerns as well as a proposal for a child custody and visitation schedule. Being prepared will help you stay on track. A lawyer will help you determine any documentation such as witness testimonies or photos that might help your case, as well as educate you about what your local court rules are regarding this type of documentation. A lawyer can help walk you through the rules of the mediation process.

Meet with a Professional Counselor who Understands Child Custody Cases

If you have the funds it might be helpful to meet with a professional counselor who can walk you through the court mediation process. They can help prepare you for how to present yourself and remain calm in what can often become an emotional situation. Work with them on a plan of action to counter any personal attacks that might come your way.

Consider Talking to Your Spouse Before the Negotiation Meeting

While this might seem impossible, it might be worthwhile to reach out to your ex-spouse to see if there is anything you can come to agreement on prior to the meeting. This can make the process a little less painful and perhaps even more productive.

The goal of these negotiations is to ease the pain around child custody. The more you are able to work out in these talks, the more comfort you will be able to gain with the decided on parenting plan.

For advice on child custody and all their aspects, you need the expert law firm of Korol and Velen, certified family law specialists. Schedule a consultation today.

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